Chapter 3: We Can (and Need) to Change the Current Trajectory

Chapter Overview

In this chapter, we learn that social media is defined as anything that connects people in a large scale conversation, exploration, and opinion-sharing. As a result, everything can be considered social media. I also review the current Big 5 (Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and Youtube) by talking about what they are and how they are used.

Chapter Resources

Check out the Burlington Help Desk link and the post, “12 Students Speak Out about Digital Citizenship” which was quoted in the Chapter.

Twitter (X): Getting Connected Resource

In this blogpost (and the linked one in it), Annie Forest makes it easy to have your students tweet even if they are under-aged.

Instagram for Teachers is a resource created by Tony Vincent that not only shows you the “how tos” of Instagram, but some great ideas too.  Here is a resource I created. Just apply the digital leadership framework when using it with your class.

Storytelling with Instagram by Rusul Alrubail

How to use Snapchat

Mrs. Azzi’s Grade 6 class reached out to the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau on Twitter and got a video response back.  Check it out here.

Customizing your Youtube Channel link

Check out this example of how Chris Aviles said, “yes” to two of his students which led to a wonderful community-building opportunity at his school. Check out the student Youtube Channel and Twitter account too!

Beyond the Chapter

Social Media Trends in 2023

How TikTok changed Social Media with its Algorithms

Storytelling with Instagram by Rusul Alrubail

Let’s Talk About It

Use the hashtag #SocialLEADia to start a conversation.